HexPack Promotion 1

Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Union (2708) 3,600 3,962 None TR:3057r HPP1 Standard 2708
Union (3055) 3,600 4,977 None TR:3057r HPP1 Standard 3055
Union (3070) 3,600 5,094 None TR:3057r HPP1 Standard 3070
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Fortified Infantry Outpost (FedCom Civil War) 40 131 None HPP1 None Advanced 3062
Standard Infantry Outpost (All Eras) 40 12 None HPP1 None Advanced 2475
Fortified Infantry Bunker (Age of War) 80 105 11 None HPP1 None Advanced 2350
Fortified Infantry Bunker (Clan Invasion) 80 119 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Command Post (All Eras) 90 23 None HPP1 None Advanced 2410
Fortified Command Post (Age of War) 90 400 37 None HPP1 None Advanced 2350
Fortified Command Post (Clan Invasion) 90 535 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Fortified Command Post (FedCom Civil War) 90 537 None HPP1 None Advanced 3062
Fortified Command Post (Jihad) 90 741 None HPP1 None Advanced 3072
Heavy Fire Base (Age of War) 90 277 12 None HPP1 None Advanced 2460
Heavy Fire Base (Clan Invasion) 90 261 15 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Heavy Fire Base (Jihad) 90 299 None HPP1 None Advanced 3070
Heavy Fire Base (Succession Wars) 90 None HPP1 None Advanced Unknown
Hardened Command Fort (Age of War) 150 906 61 None HPP1 None Advanced 2500
Hardened Command Fort (Clan Invasion) 150 1,420 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Hardened Command Fort (Jihad) 150 1,376 None HPP1 None Advanced 3072