Dark Age Turning Points: Liao

Go To Units Free Liao!

When The Republic of the Sphere was founded by Devlin Stone after the Word of Blake Jihad, Sun-Tzu Liao was forced to give up many of his worlds to the new nation. Several times in the following decades the Capellan Confederation tried and failed to reclaim those worlds, including the ancestral homeworld of Liao.

But Sun-Tzu’s son, Daoshen, is crafty and patient.

In the wake of the devastating collapse of the hyperpulse generator network, The Republic is beset on all sides and Daoshen sees his chance. Taking advantage of a student uprising and unrest against The Republic, Daoshen’s secret agitators and devoted troops will try one more time to avenge the dishonor of losing Liao. And this time, they will know victory!

This campaign series uses the Chaos Campaign rules and gives players the option of fighting individual battles, following a campaign arc, inserting it into their own campaigns and even create their own scenarios with optional rules to give their games a “Liao flavor.” The ebook includes a detailed map of the world of Liao, a run down of the forces involved in the conflict, and several tracks that players can use to run simple lance-on-lance battles, or stage up to a world-wide invasion. Only the players’ imaginations are the limits.

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Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Mad Cat III (Eve) 55 2,393 44 Sniper TR:DA DTP:Liao Standard Unknown
Yu Huang (Carson) 90 2,464 47 Sniper TR:3060 DTP:Liao Standard Unknown
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Burro II Super Heavy Cargo Truck 50 247 5 None TR:VAr DTP:Liao Standard 3064