Technical Readout: Jihad

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November 3067 saw the culmination of work two centuries in the making, work begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar, successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for single-handedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization with a vision: to lead mankind to the light.

But then the Second Star League collapsed .

Denied their dream, the Blakists fought to preserve the Star League against the follies of the Great Houses, its fanaticism manifested as the Jihad: a horrific war that pitted every nation against each other. This era saw bleeding edge machines march off to war, while venerable ’Mechs continued to receive upgrades and facelifts. Even primitive ’Mechs not seen in over half a millennia once again appear on the battlefield.

Technical Readout: Jihad expands on Technical Readout: Succession Wars and Technical Readout: Clan Invasion by combining the ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade , Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade , Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade , Technical Readout: 3060 , Technical Readout: 3067 , Technical Readout: 3075 , Technical Readout: 3085 , and Technical Readout: Project Phoenix , this volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Jihad. Each machine is accompanied by an illustration, a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats.

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Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Rising Star RST-4R None TR:J None Unknown 2692
Kabuto KBO-7A 20 524 21 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Kabuto KBO-7B 20 635 17 Scout TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3068
Red Shift RDS-2A 20 626 24 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Red Shift RDS-2B 20 555 25 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Red Shift RDS-3A 20 869 25 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3068
Jackrabbit JKR-8T 25 414 14 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 2765
Jackrabbit JKR-9R "Joker" 25 614 20 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 2768
Jackrabbit JKR-9W 25 549 17 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3074
Nexus II NXS2-A 25 702 25 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Nexus II NXS2-B 25 717 26 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Solitaire 25 1,284 36 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Solitaire 2 25 1,471 32 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3080
Hitman HM-1 30 925 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Hitman HM-2 30 861 33 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3056
Malak C-MK-O Invictus 30 792 31 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Malak C-MK-OA Dominus 30 823 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Malak C-MK-OB Infernus 30 1,047 31 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Malak C-MK-OC Comminus 30 944 40 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Malak C-MK-OD Luminos 30 1,055 36 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Malak C-MK-OE Eminus 30 957 31 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Advanced 3072
Malak C-MK-OS Caelestis 30 1,125 30 Striker TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Nyx NX-80 30 924 38 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Nyx NX-80C 30 874 34 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3078
Nyx NX-90 30 613 24 Scout TR:J RS:J Experimental 3080
Osiris OSR-3D 30 1,138 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Osiris OSR-4D 30 1,230 27 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Osiris OSR-5D 30 1,226 27 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3081
Valiant V4-LNT-J3 30 926 31 Striker TR:J RS:J Experimental 3074
Valiant V4-LNT-K7 30 894 29 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Valiant VLN-3T 30 852 25 Striker TR:J RS:J Experimental 3074
Gurkha GUR-2G 35 1,101 40 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Gurkha GUR-4G 35 908 39 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Gurkha GUR-6G 35 1,134 40 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3067
Gurkha GUR-8G 35 1,241 37 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Ocelot 35 1,439 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Ocelot 2 35 1,734 29 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3070
Ocelot 3 35 1,594 35 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Stiletto STO-4A 35 859 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Stiletto STO-4B 35 1,164 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Stiletto STO-4C 35 941 31 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3076
Toro TR-A-6 35 864 23 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Introductory 2548
Wight WGT-1LAW/SC 35 1,142 29 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Wight WGT-1LAW/SC3 35 1,057 28 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3070
Wight WGT-2LAW 35 939 29 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Wight WGT-2LAWC3 35 821 27 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Wight WGT-2SC 35 1,093 25 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Wight WGT-3SC 35 1,125 24 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Chimera CMA-1S 40 1,173 26 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Chimera CMA-2K 40 1,528 37 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Chimera CMA-C 40 1,182 27 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Daimyo DMO-1K 40 1,148 28 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3053
Daimyo DMO-2K 40 1,057 28 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3056
Daimyo DMO-2KA 40 None TR:J None Standard 3056
Daimyo DMO-3K 40 None TR:J None Standard 3056
Daimyo DMO-4K 40 1,150 28 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Daimyo DMO-5K 40 1,087 31 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Griffin IIC 3 40 1,532 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Griffin IIC 4 40 1,475 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Initiate INI-02 40 1,036 32 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Initiate INI-04 40 901 28 Sniper TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3068
Phantom A 40 1,410 43 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Phantom B 40 1,096 34 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Phantom C 40 1,590 51 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Phantom D 40 1,581 41 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Phantom E 40 975 27 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Phantom H 40 1,178 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Phantom Prime 40 1,159 37 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Pouncer (Oren) 40 None TR:J None Unknown Unknown
Pouncer A 40 2,081 36 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3050
Pouncer B 40 1,836 32 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3050
Pouncer C 40 1,653 37 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3050
Pouncer D 40 2,246 33 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3050
Pouncer E 40 1,632 35 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Pouncer H 40 1,784 36 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Pouncer Prime 40 2,557 31 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3050
Raptor II RPT-2X 40 896 31 Scout TR:J RS:J Experimental 3073
Raptor II RPT-2X1 40 1,274 39 Striker TR:J RS:J Experimental 3073
Raptor II RPT-3X 40 1,304 39 Striker TR:J RS:J Experimental 3084
Raptor II RPT-5X 40 1,124 36 Sniper TR:J RS:J Experimental 3084
Sha Yu SYU-2B 40 1,379 34 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Sha Yu SYU-4B 40 1,267 49 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Sha Yu SYU-6B 40 1,422 36 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3070
Beowulf BEO-12 45 1,319 38 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Beowulf BEO-14 45 1,287 35 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3060u Advanced 3075
Blue Flame BLF-21 45 1,256 34 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Blue Flame BLF-40 45 1,195 33 Sniper TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3073
Cobra CBR-02 45 1,128 32 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Cobra CBR-03 45 1,324 34 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3075
Eisenfaust EFT-4J 45 977 24 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Introductory 2515
Eisenfaust EFT-7X 45 1,203 28 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Eisenfaust EFT-8X 45 1,039 27 Brawler TR:J RS:J Experimental 3080
Hellspawn HSN-10G 45 1,188 31 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3076
Hellspawn HSN-10SR 45 1,411 39 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3081
Hellspawn HSN-7D 45 1,220 31 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Hellspawn HSN-8E 45 1,341 31 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Hellspawn HSN-9F 45 1,118 29 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Komodo KIM-2 45 1,533 38 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3053
Komodo KIM-2A 45 1,415 35 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3053
Komodo KIM-2C 45 1,533 40 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Komodo KIM-3C 45 1,371 41 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Preta C-PRT-O Invictus 45 1,067 31 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Preta C-PRT-OA Dominus 45 1,302 40 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Preta C-PRT-OB Infernus 45 1,338 31 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Preta C-PRT-OC Comminus 45 1,187 36 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Preta C-PRT-OD Luminos 45 1,158 30 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Preta C-PRT-OE Eminus 45 1,211 35 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Experimental 3072
Preta C-PRT-OS Caelestis 45 1,566 35 Striker TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Snake SNK-1V 45 980 24 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3053
Snake SNK-2B 45 1,081 31 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Stealth STH-1D 45 1,231 43 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3054
Stealth STH-2D 45 1,508 43 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Stealth STH-2D1 45 1,339 45 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Stealth STH-2D2 45 1,339 43 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Stealth STH-3S 45 1,577 36 Scout TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Blitzkrieg BTZ-3F 50 1,273 35 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Blitzkrieg BTZ-4F 50 1,740 43 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3074
Ghost GST-10 50 1,353 47 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3077
Ghost GST-11 50 1,244 39 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3082
Legionnaire LGN-1X 50 1,322 38 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Legionnaire LGN-2D 50 1,386 39 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3073
Legionnaire LGN-2D (Raul) 50 1,520 44 Striker TR:J RS:MWDA Standard 3073
Legionnaire LGN-2XA 50 1,172 36 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Advanced 3075
Legionnaire LGN-2XU 50 1,128 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Raijin II RJN-200-A 50 1,763 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Raijin II RJN-200-B 50 1,439 48 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Raijin II RJN-200-C 50 1,754 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Uziel UZL-2S 50 1,352 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Uziel UZL-3S 50 1,189 28 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Uziel UZL-8S 50 1,393 43 Striker TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3075
Buccaneer BCN-3R 55 1,434 36 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Buccaneer BCN-6W 55 1,121 43 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3073
Griffin GRF-5M 55 1,224 29 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Griffin GRF-6CS 55 1,695 41 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Griffin GRF-6S 55 1,781 37 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29 55 1,469 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR30 55 1,673 41 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR31 55 1,655 43 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Lightray LGH-4W 55 1,450 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Lightray LGH-4Y 55 1,379 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Lightray LGH-5W 55 1,674 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Lightray LGH-6W 55 1,554 45 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3067
Lightray LGH-7W 55 1,352 45 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Men Shen MS1-O 55 1,550 55 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Men Shen MS1-OA 55 1,529 49 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Men Shen MS1-OB 55 1,484 48 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Men Shen MS1-OC 55 1,435 50 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Men Shen MS1-OD 55 1,581 50 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Men Shen MS1-OE 55 1,625 48 Striker TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3070
Men Shen MS1-OF 55 1,648 44 Striker TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3076
Osprey OSP-15 55 1,564 35 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 2738
Osprey OSP-25 55 1,630 35 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3074
Osprey OSP-26 55 1,541 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Osprey OSP-26 (Lawrence) 55 1,461 40 Skirmisher TR:J BD:LL Standard 3085
Rook NH-2 55 1,525 34 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Rook NH-3X 55 1,746 46 Striker TR:J RS:J Experimental 3076
Scorpion SCP-12C 55 1,259 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Scorpion SCP-12S 55 1,109 27 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Shadow Hawk SHD-11CS 55 1,700 38 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Shadow Hawk SHD-11CS2 55 1,779 39 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Shadow Hawk SHD-12C 55 1,574 36 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3079
Shadow Hawk SHD-3K 55 1,591 37 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Shadow Hawk SHD-8L 55 1,536 44 Striker TR:J RS:J Advanced 3079
Shadow Hawk SHD-9D 55 1,313 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3070
Crossbow CRS-6B 60 1,210 30 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Introductory 2473
Crossbow CRS-6C 60 1,204 28 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Introductory 2481
Crossbow CRS-9A 60 1,583 40 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3071
Galahad GLH-2D 60 1,648 35 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 2594
Galahad GLH-3D 60 1,268 35 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3070
Galahad GLH-3D (Laodices) 60 1,549 38 Sniper TR:J JTP:Herperus II Experimental 3070
Grigori C-GRG-O (Tamiel) 60 1,426 37 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3072
Grigori C-GRG-O Invictus 60 1,245 37 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Grigori C-GRG-OA Dominus 60 1,536 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Grigori C-GRG-OB Infernus 60 1,408 38 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Grigori C-GRG-OC Comminus 60 1,438 36 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Grigori C-GRG-OD Luminos 60 1,568 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Grigori C-GRG-OE Eminus 60 1,544 37 Brawler TR:J RS:J Experimental 3072
Grigori C-GRG-OS Caelestis 60 1,378 37 Brawler TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Helios HEL-2C 60 None TR:J None Unknown 3054
Helios HEL-3D 60 1,618 34 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Helios HEL-4A 60 1,519 35 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Helios HEL-6X 60 1,761 36 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3060u Advanced 3072
Helios HEL-C 60 1,533 35 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Hellfire 60 2,114 45 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Hellfire 2 60 2,370 48 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Hellfire 3 60 2,138 31 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3072
Ostroc OSR-4C 60 1,325 33 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Ostroc OSR-4L 60 1,778 46 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Ostsol OTL-5D 60 1,333 33 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Ostsol OTL-6D 60 1,880 41 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Ostsol OTL-7M 60 1,581 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Ostsol OTL-8M 60 1,733 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Ti Ts'ang TSG-9C 60 1,989 35 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3069
Ti Ts'ang TSG-9H 60 1,880 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Ti Ts'ang TSG-9J 60 1,909 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Arcas 65 2,484 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Arcas 2 65 2,835 48 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Arcas 3 65 2,305 56 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3078
Balius E 65 2,156 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3145 Standard 3127
Ha Otoko 65 1,873 40 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Ha Otoko 2 65 2,348 43 Brawler TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3074
Ha Otoko HKO-1C 65 1,288 35 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Linebacker A 65 2,264 44 Sniper TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Linebacker B 65 2,048 43 Skirmisher TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Linebacker C 65 2,075 41 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Linebacker D 65 2,039 50 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Linebacker E 65 1,846 40 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Linebacker H 65 2,097 36 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Linebacker Prime 65 2,390 44 Skirmisher TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Ostwar OWR-2Mb 65 1,638 40 Brawler TR:J RS:3085u-CE Standard 2620
Ostwar OWR-3M 65 1,557 43 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Shen Yi SHY-3B 65 1,507 39 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3086
Tempest TMP-2M 65 None TR:J None Unknown 3046
Tempest TMP-3G 65 1,810 39 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3056
Tempest TMP-3M 65 1,786 39 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Tempest TMP-3M2 "Storm Tempest" 65 1,642 36 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Tempest TMP-3MA 65 1,425 35 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3056
Deva C-DVA-O Invictus 70 1,584 39 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Deva C-DVA-OA Dominus 70 1,727 43 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Deva C-DVA-OB Infernus 70 1,713 44 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Deva C-DVA-OC Comminus 70 1,743 41 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Deva C-DVA-OD Luminos 70 1,711 43 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Deva C-DVA-OE Eminus 70 1,686 44 Sniper TR:J RS:J Advanced 3072
Deva C-DVA-OS Caelestis 70 1,785 41 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Flamberge 2 70 2,468 51 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Experimental 3087
Flamberge 3 70 2,346 45 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Experimental 3087
Flamberge A 70 2,575 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3077
Flamberge B 70 2,750 38 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3077
Flamberge C 70 2,206 53 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Advanced 3077
Flamberge D 70 2,357 41 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3145 Standard 3115
Flamberge Prime 70 2,266 51 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3077
Thunder THR-1L 70 1,471 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Thunder THR-2L 70 1,951 49 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Thunder THR-3L 70 1,904 57 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Advanced 3066
White Flame WHF-3B 70 1,637 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
White Flame WHF-3C 70 1,826 37 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
White Flame WHF-4C 70 1,680 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3077
Bandersnatch BNDR-01A 75 1,478 37 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Bandersnatch BNDR-01B 75 1,630 40 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Lao Hu LHU-2B 75 1,771 38 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Lao Hu LHU-3B 75 1,497 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Lao Hu LHU-3C 75 1,878 43 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Lao Hu LHU-3L 75 1,995 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Lao Hu LHU-4E 75 2,123 54 Sniper TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3078
Night Gyr A 75 2,680 45 Skirmisher TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Night Gyr B 75 2,140 38 Sniper TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Night Gyr C 75 2,468 42 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Night Gyr D 75 2,889 46 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Night Gyr E 75 2,717 47 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Night Gyr H 75 2,428 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Night Gyr Prime 75 2,830 47 Skirmisher TR:J RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3052
Perseus P1 75 1,713 40 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Perseus P1A 75 1,661 46 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Perseus P1B 75 1,776 36 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Perseus P1C 75 1,644 38 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Perseus P1D 75 1,714 45 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Perseus P1E 75 1,658 41 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3072
Perseus P1P 75 1,777 41 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3078
Perseus P1W 75 1,864 42 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3068
Ryoken II 75 1,801 35 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Ryoken II 2 75 2,141 48 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Ryoken II 3 75 2,336 44 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Thanatos TNS-4S 75 1,844 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Thanatos TNS-4T 75 1,760 43 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3062
Thanatos TNS-6S 75 1,936 45 Skirmisher TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3081
Toyama TYM-1A 75 1,714 39 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3057
Toyama TYM-1C 75 1,727 45 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3060u Advanced 3072
Goliath GOL-2H 80 1,583 39 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Goliath GOL-3S 80 1,792 37 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Goliath GOL-4S 80 1,912 41 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Goliath GOL-5D 80 1,975 45 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Grand Crusader II GRN-D-03 80 2,276 46 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Grand Crusader II GRN-D-04 80 2,292 43 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Legacy LGC-01 80 1,967 48 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Legacy LGC-02 80 2,033 49 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Legacy LGC-03 80 2,121 45 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3070
Legacy LGC-04-WVR 80 1,745 40 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3072
Legacy LGC-05 80 1,628 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3073
Phoenix Hawk IIC 3 80 2,448 45 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Phoenix Hawk IIC 4 80 2,483 51 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Salamander PPR-5S 80 1,769 46 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Salamander PPR-5T 80 1,589 42 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3056
Salamander PPR-6S 80 1,714 47 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Salamander PPR-6T 80 1,681 44 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Salamander PPR-7S 80 2,023 45 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Warlord BLR-2D 80 2,041 43 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3070
Warlord BLR-2G 80 2,033 44 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3071
Deimos 2 85 2,394 47 Sniper TR:J RS:J Experimental 3084
Deimos A 85 2,785 51 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3085
Deimos B 85 2,965 50 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3085
Deimos C 85 2,737 48 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3086
Deimos D 85 2,682 52 Sniper TR:J RS:3145 Standard 3119
Deimos E 85 3,620 57 Brawler TR:J RS:3145 Advanced 3140
Deimos H 85 3,344 49 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3087
Deimos Prime 85 2,188 48 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3085
Deimos S 85 2,664 46 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3086
Savage Coyote A 85 2,852 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Savage Coyote B 85 2,284 51 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Savage Coyote C 85 3,189 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3064
Savage Coyote J 85 2,554 50 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3073
Savage Coyote Prime 85 2,613 55 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Savage Coyote W 85 2,792 55 Sniper TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3073
Savage Coyote Z 85 3,080 66 Juggernaut TR:J WoRS Experimental 3072
Seraph C-SRP-O Invictus 85 1,794 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Seraph C-SRP-OA Dominus 85 2,338 50 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Seraph C-SRP-OB Infernus 85 2,181 46 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Seraph C-SRP-OC Comminus 85 2,136 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Seraph C-SRP-OD Luminos 85 2,291 51 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Seraph C-SRP-OE Eminus 85 2,148 51 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Advanced 3072
Seraph C-SRP-OS Caelestis 85 2,788 57 Sniper TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Tai-sho TSH-7S 85 1,774 52 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Tai-sho TSH-8S 85 2,001 50 Sniper TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3073
Templar TLR1-O 85 2,045 47 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Templar TLR1-O (Grayson) 85 1,868 45 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3065
Templar TLR1-O (Tancred) 85 2,273 44 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3067
Templar TLR1-OA 85 2,070 45 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Templar TLR1-OB 85 1,806 42 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Templar TLR1-OC 85 2,063 43 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Templar TLR1-OD 85 1,840 40 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Experimental 3063
Templar TLR1-OE 85 1,865 57 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3064
Templar TLR1-OF 85 2,029 53 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3068
Templar TLR1-OG 85 1,632 41 Sniper TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Templar TLR1-OH 85 1,958 46 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3080
Templar TLR1-OI 85 2,202 50 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3080
Templar TRL1-OBLO 85 2,062 50 Brawler TR:J SO:UF Standard 3135
Mad Cat Mk II 90 3,135 54 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3062
Mad Cat Mk II 2 90 2,822 51 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Mad Cat Mk II 3 90 3,168 56 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3082
Cygnus 95 2,583 54 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Cygnus 2 95 3,361 52 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Cygnus 3 95 2,569 45 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3075
Hauptmann HA1-O 95 2,157 54 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Hauptmann HA1-OA 95 2,311 54 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Hauptmann HA1-OB 95 2,208 50 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
Hauptmann HA1-OC 95 2,322 57 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3061
Hauptmann HA1-OD 95 2,359 60 Sniper TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3070
Hauptmann HA1-OE 95 2,298 54 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3060u Standard 3073
Hauptmann HA1-OF 95 2,484 54 Sniper TR:J RS:3145 Standard 3094
Hauptmann HA1-OM 95 2,214 63 Missile Boat TR:J RS:3145 Advanced 3120
Hauptmann HA1-OT 95 3,031 54 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3145 Advanced 3136
Hellstar 95 3,084 55 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3079
Hellstar 2 95 3,545 56 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3079
Hellstar 3 95 3,025 62 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3079
Sagittaire SGT-10X 95 1,794 49 Brawler TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3084
Sagittaire SGT-8R 95 2,088 46 Juggernaut TR:J RSFP:ELH Standard 3063
Sagittaire SGT-9D 95 2,064 53 Juggernaut TR:J RSFP:ELH Standard 3074
Archangel C-ANG-O Invictus 100 2,237 54 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Archangel C-ANG-OA Dominus 100 2,134 56 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Archangel C-ANG-OB Infernus 100 2,069 55 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Archangel C-ANG-OC Comminus 100 2,014 60 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Archangel C-ANG-OD Luminos 100 2,105 58 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Archangel C-ANG-OE Eminus 100 2,097 57 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3072
Archangel C-ANG-OS Caelestis 100 2,026 56 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3075u-CE Experimental 3075
Atlas II AS7-D-H 100 2,169 52 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 2765
Atlas II AS7-D-H2 100 2,340 55 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 2780
Fafnir FNR-5 100 2,636 55 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Fafnir FNR-5B 100 2,625 57 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Fafnir FNR-5WB 100 2,449 56 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3073
Fafnir FNR-6U 100 2,234 45 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3081
Grand Titan T-IT-N10M 100 1,817 48 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3054
Grand Titan T-IT-N11M 100 2,053 53 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Titan II TI-2P 100 2,143 54 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3071
Titan II TI-2PA 100 2,468 57 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3076
Vanquisher VQR-2A 100 2,234 55 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Vanquisher VQR-2B 100 2,073 55 Juggernaut TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Vanquisher VQR-5V 100 2,332 55 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3069
Vanquisher VQR-7U 100 2,144 58 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Advanced 3071
Vanquisher VQR-7V 100 2,420 57 Juggernaut TR:J RS:3067u Standard 3071