Calderon Protectorate in the ilClan era including Periphery General

Calderon Protectorate


Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Flea FLE-17 20 510 23 Striker TR:SW RS:SW Standard 3049
Flea FLE-19 20 381 15 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3068
Flea FLE-21 20 823 29 Scout RG26 RG26 Standard 3139
Locust LCT-1E 20 553 19 Scout TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2811
Locust LCT-1V 20 432 18 Scout TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2499
Locust LCT-3V 20 490 19 Scout TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 3004
Locust LCT-5T 20 520 22 Scout BattleCorps RS:3085u-PP Standard 3070
Locust LCT-5V 20 665 24 Striker TR:CI RS:3085u-PP Standard 3068
Locust LCT-7V 20 585 25 Scout RGv1 RG16 Standard 3102
Stinger STG-3G 20 497 14 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2581
Stinger STG-3P 20 489 14 Scout TR:3085 RS:3085u-PP Standard 3068
Stinger STG-3R 20 359 14 Scout TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2479
Stinger STG-5G 20 614 17 Scout RGv1 RG13 Experimental 3076
Stinger STG-5R 20 492 14 Scout TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3067
Stinger STG-5T 20 341 14 Scout BattleCorps RS:3085u-PP Standard 3068
Stinger STG-6G 20 503 18 Scout RGv1 RG13 Standard 3103
Wasp WSP-1A 20 384 14 Scout TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2471
Wasp WSP-3M 20 394 12 Scout RGv1 RG04 Standard 3051
Wasp WSP-3P 20 537 19 Scout TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3086
Wasp WSP-5A 20 517 17 Scout RGv1 RG04 Standard 3114
Wasp WSP-8T 20 439 14 Scout TR:3085 RS:3085u-PP Standard 3075
Commando COM-2D 25 541 17 Striker TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2486
Commando COM-2Dr 25 563 18 Striker TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3075
Commando COM-4H 25 691 17 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Duan Gung D9-G9 25 737 24 Missile Boat TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3058
Hermit Crab HMC-13 25 731 22 Scout RG10 RG10 Standard 3104
Hermit Crab HMC-14 25 844 27 Striker RG10 RG10 Standard 3108
Hermit Crab HMC-15 25 742 22 Striker RG10 RG10 Standard 3108
Cadaver CVR-A1 30 962 31 Striker TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3094
Javelin JVN-10N 30 594 19 Striker TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2751
Javelin JVN-11B 30 678 26 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3054
Osiris OSR-3D 30 1,138 32 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3063
Spider SDR-5V 30 622 21 Scout TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2650
Spider SDR-8M 30 621 26 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3060
UrbanMech UM-AIV 30 603 22 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Advanced 3072
UrbanMech UM-R69 30 589 19 Sniper TR:3050U RSFP:Urbies Standard 3063
UrbanMech UM-R80 30 699 21 Ambusher TR:3085 RSFP:Urbies Standard 3076
Valiant V4-LNT-K7 30 894 29 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3068
Valkyrie VLK-QD1 30 878 22 Missile Boat TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3067
Vixen (Incubus) 30 1,596 38 Striker RGv1 RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 2954
Vixen (Incubus) 2 30 1,913 38 Striker RGv1 RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 2960
Vixen (Incubus) 7 30 1,175 32 Striker RGv1 RG07 Standard 2961
Vixen (Incubus) 8 30 1,557 38 Striker RGv1 RG07 Standard 2962
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K1A 35 1,040 27 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3057
Firebee FRB-1E (WAM-B) 35 514 15 Brawler XTR:Primitives III XTR:Primitives III Advanced 2483
Firestarter FS9-H 35 694 20 Scout TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2703
Firestarter FS9-M2 35 751 23 Scout TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3101
Firestarter FS9-M3 35 866 30 Scout TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3104
Garm GRM-01A 35 701 17 Missile Boat TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3058
Garm GRM-01B 35 934 23 Missile Boat TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3059
Ostscout OTT-12R 35 1,209 23 Scout RGv1 RG02 Standard 3145
Panther PNT-10KA 35 797 19 Brawler TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3055
Storm Raider STM-R1 35 593 16 Scout TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3097
Storm Raider STM-R2 35 671 23 Scout TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3098
Toro TR-A-1 35 671 20 Brawler XTR:Primitives IV XTR:Primitives IV Advanced 2481
Toro TR-A-6 35 864 23 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Introductory 2548
Toro TR-B-12 35 1,029 29 Skirmisher Shrap10 ShrapRS Standard 3146
Toro TR-B-9 35 915 28 Brawler Shrap10 ShrapRS Standard 3108
Wight WGT-2SC 35 1,093 25 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3069
Assassin ASN-23 40 740 26 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3050
Cicada CDA-3M 40 812 25 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3049
Clint CLNT-2-3U 40 1,081 22 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3050
Clint CLNT-3-3T 40 901 24 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3069
Clint CLNT-3-4T 40 1,157 24 Striker RG31 RG31 Advanced 3109
Clint CLNT-5U 40 1,275 28 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3062
Griffin IIC 40 1,608 31 Missile Boat RGv1 RG14 Standard 2852
Sentry SNT-04 40 1,069 25 Sniper TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3056
Vulcan VL-2T 40 642 20 Scout TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2777
Vulcan VT-7T 40 1,499 31 Scout RG30 RG30 Standard 3091
Watchman WTC-4DM 40 1,225 31 Skirmisher TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3063
Watchman WTC-4M 40 1,067 26 Skirmisher TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3055
Whitworth WTH-2 40 936 25 Missile Boat TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3050
Whitworth WTH-2H 40 1,148 28 Brawler RG30 RG30 Standard 3139
Blackjack BJ-3 45 1,271 30 Brawler TR:SW RS:SW Standard 3042
Hatchetman HCT-5D 45 1,012 25 Brawler TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3062
Hatchetman HCT-5DD 45 1,112 27 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3065
Hatchetman HCT-5S 45 1,039 24 Brawler TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Phoenix Hawk PXH-4M 45 1,327 31 Striker RGv1 RG11 Standard 3087
Phoenix Hawk PXH-4W 45 1,395 35 Striker TR:3085 RS:3085u-PP Standard 3079
Centurion CN9-Ar 50 1,226 31 Sniper TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3072
Centurion CN9-D3 50 1,324 29 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3052
Centurion CN9-D3D 50 1,373 37 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3060
Chameleon CLN-7V 50 1,042 24 Scout TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 3056
Chameleon CLN-7W 50 1,243 29 Striker TR:SW RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3058
Chameleon CLN-7Z 50 1,527 30 Striker TR:SW RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3058
Chameleon CLN-8V 50 1,426 32 Striker RGv1 RG25 Standard 3086
Chameleon TRC-4B 50 999 21 Scout RGv1 RG25 Introductory 2510
Enforcer ENF-4R 50 1,032 25 Skirmisher TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2777
Hunchback HBK-4G 50 1,041 28 Juggernaut TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2572
Hunchback HBK-4P 50 1,138 31 Juggernaut TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2937
Hunchback HBK-5H 50 1,097 30 Juggernaut TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Hunchback HBK-5N 50 1,041 28 Juggernaut TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3057
Legionnaire LGN-2D 50 1,386 39 Striker TR:J RS:J Standard 3073
Raider JL-3A 50 988 25 Juggernaut TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3138
Raider JL-3B 50 1,126 26 Brawler TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3138
Raider Mk II JL-3C 50 1,007 23 Brawler TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3139
Trebuchet TBT-5N 50 1,191 29 Missile Boat TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2799
Trebuchet TBT-7M 50 1,348 31 Missile Boat TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3048
Centurion CN10-B 55 1,243 30 Brawler Shrap02 ShrapRS Standard 3057
Centurion CN10-D 55 1,260 28 Sniper RG10 RG10 Standard 3121
Centurion CN10-J 55 1,257 28 Brawler Shrap02 ShrapRS Standard 3057
Cronus CNS-3M 55 1,339 32 Skirmisher TR:3067 RS:3067u Introductory 3031
Cronus CNS-5M 55 1,579 38 Skirmisher TR:3067 RS:3067u Standard 3060
Dervish DV-1S 55 864 25 Missile Boat XTR:Primitives III XTR:Primitives III Advanced 2520
Dervish DV-6M 55 1,146 30 Missile Boat TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2570
Dervish DV-6Mr 55 1,347 36 Brawler TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3073
Dervish DV-7D 55 1,412 36 Missile Boat TR:SW RS:SW Standard 3047
Dervish DV-8D 55 1,765 39 Missile Boat TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3062
Griffin GRF-1N 55 1,272 31 Sniper TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2492
Griffin GRF-3N 55 1,560 34 Sniper RGv1 RG01 Standard 3093
Lineholder KW1-LH2 55 1,280 34 Skirmisher TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 3058
Lineholder KW1-LH3 55 1,214 32 Skirmisher TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3059
Lineholder KW1-LH8 "Linebreaker" 55 1,330 30 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3065
Marshal MHL-2L 55 1,313 32 Skirmisher TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3063
Marshal MHL-X1 55 1,163 31 Skirmisher TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3059
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 55 1,064 30 Skirmisher TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2550
Shadow Hawk SHD-5M 55 1,430 35 Missile Boat RGv1 RG12 Standard 3048
Shadow Hawk SHD-5R 55 1,296 33 Missile Boat RGv1 RG12 Standard 3087
Shadow Hawk SHD-7H 55 1,394 30 Skirmisher RGv1 RSFP:GDL Standard 3101
Shadow Hawk SHD-7M 55 1,447 35 Missile Boat TR:PP RS:3085u-PP Standard 3066
Wolverine WVR-9R 55 1,481 39 Skirmisher RGv1 RG18 Standard 3089
Helios HEL-3D 60 1,618 34 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3058
Merlin MLN-1A 60 1,217 31 Brawler TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 3010
Merlin MLN-1B 60 1,228 32 Brawler TR:SW RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 3053
Merlin MLN-1C 60 1,267 31 Brawler TR:SW RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3068
Merlin MLN-1D 60 1,370 34 Sniper RGv1 RG26 Standard 3090
Merlin MLN-1E 60 1,369 34 Sniper RGv1 RG26 Standard 3099
Ostroc OSR-2Cb 60 1,478 36 Skirmisher TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2729
Ostroc OSR-2D 60 1,396 39 Skirmisher RGv1 RG21 Standard 3050
Ostroc OSR-3M 60 1,594 36 Skirmisher RGv1 RG21 Standard 3088
Ostroc OSR-4C 60 1,325 33 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3066
Ostsol OTL-5D 60 1,333 33 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Quickdraw QKD-5Mr 60 1,471 33 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3070
Rifleman RFL-3N 60 1,039 26 Sniper TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2770
Rifleman RFL-5D 60 1,395 32 Brawler RGv1 RSFP:Wave 1 Standard 3050
Rifleman RFL-7M 60 1,521 34 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3066
Rifleman RFL-7N 60 1,398 32 Sniper RGv1 RG08 Standard 3133
Ti Ts'ang TSG-9H 60 1,880 39 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3059
Axman AXM-3S 65 1,649 32 Skirmisher TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3060
Catapult CPLT-C5A 65 1,772 41 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3068
Catapult CPLT-H2 65 1,473 32 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Crusader CRD-2R 65 1,533 37 Missile Boat TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2649
Crusader CRD-5M 65 1,408 35 Skirmisher RGv1 RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Ha Otoko 65 1,873 40 Missile Boat TR:J RS:J Standard 3060
JagerMech JM6-DGr 65 1,661 30 Sniper TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3058
JagerMech JM6-H 65 1,348 31 Brawler TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Scourge SCG-WD1 65 2,061 43 Skirmisher TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3131
Thunderbolt TDR-11S 65 1,570 37 Juggernaut RGv1 RG15 Standard 3074
Thunderbolt TDR-5S 65 1,335 36 Brawler TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2505
Archer ARC-2R 70 1,477 39 Missile Boat TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2474
Archer ARC-4M 70 1,705 44 Missile Boat RGv1 RG10 Standard 3049
Archer ARC-4M2 70 1,742 44 Missile Boat RGv1 RG10 Standard 3086
Archer ARC-5W 70 1,337 38 Missile Boat RGv1 RG10 Standard 3050
Archer ARC-6W 70 1,405 34 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3067
Caesar CES-3R 70 1,578 34 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3049
Cataphract CTF-3D 70 1,325 31 Sniper TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3050
Cataphract CTF-3L 70 1,545 35 Sniper TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3050
Cataphract CTF-3LL 70 1,664 34 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3068
Gallant GLT-7-0 70 1,436 37 Skirmisher TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3078
Grasshopper GHR-5J 70 1,354 36 Skirmisher TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Hercules HRC-LS-9000 70 1,561 38 Skirmisher TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3054
Hound HD-2F 70 1,389 36 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3098
Thunder THR-1L 70 1,471 44 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3055
Viper VP-1 70 1,609 34 Brawler RG32 RG32 Standard 2832
Warhammer WHM-10T 70 1,891 46 Skirmisher BattleCorps RS:3085u-PP Standard 3073
Warhammer WHM-6R 70 1,299 32 Brawler TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2515
Warhammer WHM-6Rb 70 1,431 38 Brawler TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2599
Warhammer WHM-7A 70 1,679 40 Brawler RGv1 RG07 Standard 2761
Warhammer WHM-7M 70 1,487 35 Brawler RGv1 RSFP:Wave 1 Standard 3047
Warhammer WHM-8D 70 1,744 43 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3066
Bandersnatch BNDR-01A 75 1,478 37 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3052
Bandersnatch BNDR-01Ar 75 1,522 39 Brawler TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3071
Bandersnatch BNDR-01B 75 1,630 40 Brawler TR:J RS:J Standard 3065
Black Knight BLK-NT-2Y 75 1,847 46 Juggernaut TR:DA RS:DA Advanced 3091
Marauder MAD-3R 75 1,363 35 Sniper TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2819
Orion ON1-M 75 1,414 36 Brawler TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Orion ON1-MA 75 1,501 39 Brawler TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3052
Orion ON2-M 75 1,828 43 Brawler TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3063
Thanatos TNS-4S 75 1,844 46 Skirmisher TR:J RS:J Standard 3061
Awesome AWS-8Q 80 1,605 39 Sniper TR:SW RSFP:Wave 1 Introductory 2665
Awesome AWS-9M 80 1,812 41 Brawler TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 1 Standard 3049
Awesome AWS-9Q 80 1,875 45 Sniper TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3057
Charger CGR-1A1 80 981 18 Scout TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2665
Charger CGR-1A9 80 1,397 35 Skirmisher TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 3034
Charger CGR-2A2 80 1,109 27 Scout TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Goliath GOL-2H 80 1,583 39 Sniper TR:J RS:J Standard 3067
Goliath GOL-6H 80 1,676 40 Sniper TR:3085 RS:3085u-PP Standard 3071
HawkWolf HWK-3F 80 1,349 36 Missile Boat XTR:RetroTech XTR:RetroTech Experimental 3076
HawkWolf HWK-4F 80 1,428 37 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3100
Victor VTR-9B 80 1,378 36 Skirmisher TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2510
Victor VTR-9D 80 1,717 40 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3049
Victor VTR-9K 80 1,717 40 Skirmisher TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Victor VTR-9Ka 80 1,594 37 Skirmisher TR:3050U RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3076
Zeus ZEU-9S 80 1,639 40 Sniper TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3048
BattleMaster BLR-1Gc 85 1,577 43 Brawler TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Advanced 2763
BattleMaster BLR-3M 85 1,679 42 Brawler RGv1 RSFP:Wave 1 Standard 3049
Longbow LGB-0W 85 1,337 36 Missile Boat TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2529
Longbow LGB-0W2 85 1,410 38 Missile Boat RGv1 RG20 Introductory 2531
Longbow LGB-10C 85 1,898 48 Missile Boat RGv1 RG20 Standard 3061
Longbow LGB-12C 85 1,686 50 Missile Boat TR:PP RS:3085u-PP Standard 3061
Longbow LGB-13C 85 1,397 49 Missile Boat BattleCorps RS:3085u-PP Standard 3070
Longbow LGB-14C 85 1,421 40 Missile Boat BattleCorps RS:3085u-PP Standard 3070
Longbow LGB-14Q 85 1,828 46 Missile Boat RGv1 RG20 Standard 3103
Longbow LGB-7Q 85 1,618 45 Missile Boat TR:3058U RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2610
Longbow LGB-7V 85 1,816 49 Missile Boat TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3056
Longbow LGB-8C 85 1,653 45 Missile Boat RGv1 RG20 Introductory 2615
Stalker STK-3F 85 1,559 42 Juggernaut TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2594
Cyclops CP-10-Q 90 1,584 44 Missile Boat TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 2801
Cyclops CP-11-G 90 1,981 47 Sniper TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3058
Cyclops CP-11-H 90 1,525 38 Juggernaut TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3064
Emperor EMP-6A 90 1,969 42 Juggernaut TR:SW RS:SW Standard 2612
Highlander HGN-740 90 2,232 49 Sniper RG10 RSFP:NWH Standard 3115
Yu Huang Y-H9G 90 2,074 44 Skirmisher TR:3060 RS:3060u Standard 3060
Banshee BNC-3E 95 1,422 38 Sniper TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2475
Banshee BNC-3Mr 95 1,801 41 Sniper TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3073
Banshee BNC-3Q 95 1,394 37 Juggernaut TR:SW RS:3039u Introductory 2915
Cerberus MR-V2 95 2,001 45 Brawler TR:CI RS:CI Standard 3054
Atlas AS7-D 100 1,897 52 Juggernaut TR:SW RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2755
Atlas AS7-Dr 100 2,101 55 Juggernaut TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3070
Atlas AS7-K 100 2,175 45 Sniper TR:3050U RSFP:Wave 2 Standard 3049
Atlas AS7-K2 100 2,160 48 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3082
Atlas AS7-S 100 1,929 52 Juggernaut TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3050
Atlas AS7-S2 100 2,378 51 Sniper TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-I Standard 3061
Atlas AS7-S3 100 2,378 54 Sniper RGv1 RG24 Standard 3062
Atlas AS7-S3-DC 100 2,276 52 Sniper RGv1 RG24 Advanced 3064
Devastator DVS-1D 100 1,858 45 Juggernaut TR:SW RS:SW Introductory 3036
King Crab KGC-001 100 2,221 48 Juggernaut TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Standard 3052
Pillager PLG-3Z 100 2,697 51 Juggernaut TR:SW RS:SW Standard 2594
Xanthos XNT-4O 100 2,548 57 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3068
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Ground Car 3 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Jet Sled 3 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Jet Sled (MG) 3 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Gabriel Reconnaissance Hovercraft 5 198 15 Scout TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Standard 2712
Jeep 5 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Jeep (MG) 5 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Jeep (SRM) 5 None MW1e None Unknown 2370
Skimmer 5 86 7 Scout RG31 RG31 Introductory 2577
Speeder 5 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Swift Wind Scout Car (ICE) 8 83 12 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2841
Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover LRM) 10 193 12 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover MG) 10 114 11 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM) 10 131 11 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover) 10 102 10 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked LRM) 10 208 8 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked MG) 10 157 6 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked SRM) 10 168 7 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Tracked) 10 142 6 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Wheeled LRM) 10 194 8 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Wheeled MG) 10 172 8 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Wheeled SRM) 10 176 9 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Armored Personnel Carrier (Wheeled) 10 157 8 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2500
Flatbed Truck 10 34 2 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2580
Flatbed Truck (Armor) 10 117 4 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2580
Flatbed Truck (LRM) 10 172 8 Missile Boat His:OK RS:OK Introductory 2801
Flatbed Truck (Mortar) 10 65 5 Sniper TR:3060 RS:3060u Advanced 2580
Flatbed Truck (SRM) 10 67 4 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2580
Hover Scout 10 Striker RS5 None Unknown 2801
Kruger Combat Car 10 429 14 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3091
Kruger Combat Car (Original) 10 336 14 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Introductory 2620
Mobile Long Tom Artillery Ammunition Carriage LT-MOB-25 10 152 5 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2602
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25F (Ammunition Loader Carriage) 10 148 5 None RG28 RG28 Standard 2695
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25F (Ammunition Carriage) 10 148 5 None RG28 RG28 Standard 2695
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25F (Drone Command Carriage) 10 148 5 None RG28 RG28 Advanced 2695
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25F (Support Carriage) 10 148 11 None RG28 RG28 Standard 2695
Mobile Long Tom Artillery Support Carriage LT-MOB-25 10 152 11 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2602
Darter Scout Car 13 125 7 Scout TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2822
Darter Scout Car (BAP) 13 136 10 Scout TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3053
Darter Scout Car (ECM) 13 193 9 Scout TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3054
Darter Scout Car (SRM) 13 192 11 Scout TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2835
Darter Scout Car (SRM2) 13 167 9 Scout TR:3026r None Introductory 2835
Command Van 15 193 16 Scout RG29 RG29 Standard 2577
Command Van (ICE) 15 178 14 Scout RG29 RG29 Standard 2907
Command Van (Q-Vehicle) 15 278 10 Scout RG29 RG29 Introductory 2975
Marten Scout VTOL 15 179 14 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3021
Marten Scout VTOL (Infantry) 15 107 11 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3024
Heavy Hover APC 20 188 11 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Hover APC (LRM) 20 284 14 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Hover APC (MG) 20 218 12 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Hover APC (SRM) 20 271 15 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Tracked APC 20 206 5 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Tracked APC (LRM) 20 276 10 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Tracked APC (MG) 20 228 6 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Tracked APC (SRM) 20 266 11 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Transport B1 20 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Heavy Transport B1 (MG) 20 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Heavy Transport B1 (SL) 20 None MW1e None Unknown 2400
Heavy Transport B1 (SRM) 20 None MW1e None Unknown 2370
Heavy Wheeled APC 20 189 8 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Wheeled APC (LRM) 20 265 11 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Wheeled APC (MG) 20 213 8 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
Heavy Wheeled APC (SRM) 20 255 11 Scout TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2470
J-27 Ordnance Transport 20 47 2 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2650
J-27 Ordnance Transport (Armor) 20 70 4 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2833
J-27 Ordnance Transport Trailer 20 44 3 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2650
M.A.S.H. Truck 20 220 6 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2671
M.A.S.H. Truck (AMS) 20 269 8 None RG31 RG31 Standard 3148
Packrat LRPV PKR-T5 20 344 14 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2650
Warrior Attack Helicopter H-8 20 419 20 Striker TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3054
Wheeled Scout 20 291 14 Scout TR:I TR:I Standard 2510
Wheeled Scout (Camera) 20 291 16 Scout TR:I TR:I Advanced 2510
Wheeled Scout (Sensors) 20 291 16 Scout TR:I TR:I Standard 2596
Warrior Attack Helicopter H-7 21 295 15 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2957
Warrior Attack Helicopter H-7A 21 292 15 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2965
Warrior Attack Helicopter H-7C 21 446 20 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2974
Warrior Attack Helicopter H-7F 21 303 15 Scout RG28 RG28 Standard 3143
Browning Mobile Headquarters 25 365 20 Scout RG29 RG29 Standard 2625
Browning Mobile Headquarters (Half-Track) 25 377 18 Scout RG29 RG29 Standard 2625
DI Multipurpose Light VTOL 25 542 27 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3097
DI Multipurpose Light VTOL (Gunship) 25 711 30 Striker TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3097
Harasser Missile Platform 25 413 22 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2811
Harasser Missile Platform (Heavy Ferro) 25 519 23 Striker RG33 RG33 Standard 3091
Harasser Missile Platform (Speed) 25 509 23 Striker RG33 RG33 Standard 3079
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank 25 544 23 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2722
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Flamer) 25 459 23 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2793
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (ICE) 25 433 20 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2854
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Light PPC) 25 626 27 Scout RG32 RG32 Standard 3085
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (MG) 25 482 24 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2794
J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (X-Pulse) 25 621 32 Scout RG32 RG32 Standard 3144
Scorpion Light Tank 25 306 11 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2807
Scorpion Light Tank (Armor) 25 325 11 Brawler RG33 RG33 Standard 3055
Scorpion Light Tank (LAC) 25 289 10 Brawler TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3072
Scorpion Light Tank (LRM) 25 425 14 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2813
Scorpion Light Tank (ML) 25 320 11 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2875
Scorpion Light Tank (MRM) 25 469 13 Brawler RG33 RG33 Standard 3060
Scorpion Light Tank (RAC) 25 385 11 Brawler RG33 RG33 Standard 3063
Scorpion Light Tank (Rifle) 25 338 11 Brawler RG33 RG33 Standard 3088
Scorpion Light Tank (SRM) 25 373 13 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2840
Scorpion Light Tank (Ultra) 25 425 13 Brawler RG33 RG33 Standard 3083
Shandra Advanced Scout Vehicle (Original) 25 311 15 Scout TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3087
Coolant Truck (Hover) 30 347 19 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2602
Coolant Truck (Tracked) 30 357 9 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2592
Coolant Truck 135-K "Lifesaver" 30 321 8 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2583
Crane Heavy Transport 30 385 20 Scout TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3131
Cyrano Gunship 30 459 20 Scout TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Standard 2622
Cyrano Gunship (ML) 30 645 27 Striker TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Standard 3071
Cyrano Gunship (Plasma) 30 927 21 Scout TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Standard 3071
Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 30 309 13 Scout TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 2692
Galleon Light Tank GAL-102 30 651 31 Striker TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3048
Galleon Light Tank GAL-200 30 345 12 Scout TR:3025 RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 2915
Galleon Light Tank GAL-200R 30 455 13 Ambusher RG27 RG27 Standard 3081
Garrot Superheavy Transport 30 316 15 None TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3100
Karnov UR Transport 30 125 11 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory Unknown
Karnov UR Transport (3055 Upgrade) 30 152 12 None TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3055
Karnov UR Transport (Periphery) 30 590 17 Scout TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3064
Yellow Jacket Gunship 30 782 21 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3058
Yellow Jacket Gunship (Ammo) 30 803 18 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3058
Gun Trailer (Ambush) 35 137 5 Ambusher TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3092
Gun Trailer (Artillery/AAA) 35 452 19 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3096
Gun Trailer (LRM) 35 407 16 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3095
Gun Trailer (Mjolnir) 35 502 15 Sniper TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3112
Gun Trailer (SC) 35 299 13 Ambusher TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3101
Gun Trailer (Siege) 35 248 12 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3094
Gun Trailer (Stronghold) 35 224 9 Ambusher TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3092
Gun Trailer (Thumper) 35 265 13 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3096
Gun Trailer (Thunderbolt) 35 513 17 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3099
Gun Trailer (Ultra) 35 491 16 Ambusher TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3098
Hunter Light Support Tank 35 648 20 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2937
Hunter Light Support Tank (Ammo) 35 675 20 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2960
Hunter Light Support Tank (LRM15) 35 599 17 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2956
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank 35 640 25 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2791
Plainsman Medium Hovertank 35 600 25 Striker TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 3030
Plainsman Medium Hovertank (Scout) 35 578 28 Scout TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3065
Plainsman Medium Hovertank (Sealed) 35 632 25 Striker TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Advanced 3074
Plainsman Medium Hovertank (Streak) 35 600 25 Striker TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3071
Saladin Assault Hover Tank 35 596 19 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2942
Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Armor) 35 594 22 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2960
Air Car 40 None MW1e None Unknown Unknown
Engineering Vehicle 40 194 7 None TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 2570
Engineering Vehicle (AC) 40 423 14 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2570
Engineering Vehicle (Flamer) 40 196 9 Scout TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2570
Gladius Medium Hovertank 40 586 20 Striker TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 3042
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun 40 574 15 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2887
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (AC10) 40 536 14 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2893
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (Cell) 40 900 22 Ambusher RG29 RG29 Standard 3090
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (LB-X) 40 767 17 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3063
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (LRM) 40 657 18 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3001
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun (SRM) 40 630 18 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2957
Light SRM Carrier 40 578 16 Ambusher TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 3058
Light Thunderbolt Carrier 40 714 20 Missile Boat TR:3060 RS:3060u Advanced 3072
Myrmidon Medium Tank 40 815 23 Skirmisher TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 3060
Stygian Strike Tank 40 960 27 Missile Boat TR:3067 RS:3067u Standard 3062
Stygian Strike Tank (Armor) 40 1,001 30 Missile Boat TR:3067 RS:3067u Standard 3065
Goblin Medium Tank 45 555 15 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory Unknown
Ranger Armored Fighting Vehicle VV1 45 604 21 Scout TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3076
Ranger Armored Fighting Vehicle VV1 (MG) 45 607 19 Scout TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Introductory 3076
Whirlwind Scout Hover Tank 45 667 27 Scout RG28 RG28 Introductory 2890
Whirlwind Scout Hover Tank (IFV) 45 667 30 Scout RG28 RG28 Standard 3139
BattleMech Recovery Vehicle 50 90 4 None TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2500
Buzzard Hover Tank 50 780 29 Striker RG27 RG27 Standard 3076
Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank (CASE) 50 814 24 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Advanced 3071
Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank (MG) 50 801 24 Missile Boat TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Advanced 3062
Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank (SRM) 50 832 24 Missile Boat TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Advanced 2614
Condor Heavy Hover Tank 50 653 27 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2564
Drillson Heavy Hover Tank 50 949 28 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3025
Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (SRM) 50 926 27 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3028
Falcon Hover Tank 50 676 26 Striker RG27 RG27 Introductory 3023
Fulcrum Heavy Hovertank 50 1,167 42 Striker TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3057
Harrier Heavy Hover Tank (PPC) 50 859 30 Striker RG31 RG31 Introductory 3030
Hawk Hover Tank (LTV-4) 50 684 27 Striker XTR:Primitives II RG27 Introductory 2464
JES I Tactical Missile Carrier 50 752 33 Striker TR:3075 RS:3075u-CE Standard 3075
JES I Tactical Missile Carrier (3082 Upgrade) 50 978 43 Striker TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3082
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport 50 764 29 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2689
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (SRM4) 50 682 27 Striker TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2875
Vedette Medium Tank 50 475 16 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2943
Vedette Medium Tank (AC2) 50 458 14 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2962
Vedette Medium Tank (Armor) 50 944 26 Brawler RG32 RG32 Standard 3111
Vedette Medium Tank (Cell) 50 731 20 Sniper TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Advanced 3075
Vedette Medium Tank (LB-X) 50 552 16 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3069
Vedette Medium Tank (Ultra) 50 590 18 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3054
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle 55 721 25 Brawler TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2611
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle (ECM) 55 788 24 Brawler TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2614
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle (Sealed) 55 680 25 Brawler TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2960
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle (Succession Wars) 55 703 20 Missile Boat TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2863
Prowler Multi-Terrain Vehicle (Support) 55 799 22 Brawler TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2878
AC/2 Carrier 60 403 12 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2520
AC/2 Carrier (LB-X) 60 536 15 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3063
Bulldog Medium Tank 60 605 17 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2673
Bulldog Medium Tank (AC2) 60 556 17 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2812
Bulldog Medium Tank (ERLL) 60 842 24 Brawler RG25 RG25 Standard 3098
Bulldog Medium Tank (LRM) 60 748 21 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2793
Laser Carrier 60 566 20 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2874
LRM Carrier 60 833 22 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2470
LRM Carrier (3055 Upgrade) 60 798 32 Missile Boat TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3055
Manticore Heavy Tank 60 993 28 Brawler TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2575
Marsden MBT II-A (LB-X) 60 1,090 27 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3068
Mortar Carrier 60 517 24 Missile Boat TR:3145 RS:3145 Advanced 3083
MRM Carrier 60 779 22 Ambusher TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3063
Pike Support Vehicle 60 648 18 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2987
Pike Support Vehicle (LB-X) 60 862 23 Sniper RG30 RG30 Standard 3134
Po Heavy Tank 60 719 20 Brawler TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 3031
Po Heavy Tank (LB-X) 60 778 21 Brawler TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3069
SRM Carrier 60 816 26 Ambusher TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2470
SRM Carrier (3054 Upgrade) 60 794 27 Ambusher TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3054
SRM Carrier (C3) 60 903 32 Ambusher TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3065
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25F 65 726 37 Missile Boat RG28 RG28 Advanced 2695
Patton Tank (Taurian) 65 1,213 33 Brawler RG27 RG27 Standard 3115
Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle 70 176 6 None TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 2500
Transportable Field Repair Unit JI-100 70 199 5 None TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3074
Brutus Assault Tank 75 1,115 32 Juggernaut TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 2998
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25 75 835 37 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Advanced 2602
Monitor Naval Vessel 75 799 25 Juggernaut TR:3039 None Introductory 2910
Zhukov Heavy Tank 75 920 26 Juggernaut TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Introductory 3030
Zhukov Heavy Tank (Liao) 75 1,021 30 Sniper TR:3085 RS:3085u-ONN Standard 3076
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Arrow IV) 80 1,297 42 Missile Boat RG25 RG25 Advanced 3062
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Defensive) 80 891 26 Juggernaut TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2823
Demolisher Heavy Tank (Gauss) 80 1,529 34 Sniper RG25 RG25 Standard 3053
Demolisher Heavy Tank (MRM) 80 1,242 38 Juggernaut RG25 RG25 Standard 3060
Demolisher Heavy Tank Mk. II 80 981 27 Juggernaut TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2823
Heavy LRM Carrier 80 948 31 Missile Boat TR:3060 RS:3060u Introductory 3058
Partisan Air Defense Tank 80 923 25 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3058
Partisan Air Defense Tank (Cell) 80 980 26 Sniper RG33 RG33 Advanced 3075
Partisan Air Defense Tank (LRM) 80 1,303 42 Missile Boat RG33 RG33 Advanced 3075
Partisan Heavy Tank 80 673 19 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2791
Partisan Heavy Tank (AC2) 80 580 16 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3002
Partisan Heavy Tank (C3) 80 662 21 Sniper TR:3058U RS:3058Uu-I Standard 3062
Partisan Heavy Tank (LRM) 80 1,021 30 Missile Boat TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3017
Partisan Heavy Tank (Refit) 80 835 23 Sniper RG33 RG33 Standard 3059
Rhino Fire Support Tank 80 1,462 39 Missile Boat TR:3050U RS:3050Uu-C Introductory 2669
Schrek AC Carrier (Lothian) 80 1,005 32 Sniper RG32 RG32 Standard 3140
Schrek PPC Carrier 80 935 25 Sniper TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2813
Schrek PPC Carrier (XL) 80 1,074 28 Sniper RG32 RG32 Standard 3058
Mauna Kea Command Vessel 85 872 32 Missile Boat TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2515
Mauna Kea Command Vessel (LRM) 85 1,005 36 Missile Boat TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2515
Mauna Kea Command Vessel (LRT) 85 872 32 Missile Boat TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2515
JES II Strategic Missile Carrier 95 1,349 48 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3079
JES II Strategic Missile Carrier (Ammo) 95 1,362 45 Missile Boat TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3080
Mobile Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-95 95 1,348 36 Missile Boat TR:3150 RS:3150 Advanced 3097
Ontos Heavy Tank 95 938 31 Juggernaut TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2832
Behemoth Heavy Tank 100 1,173 39 Juggernaut TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2952
Behemoth Heavy Tank (Flamer) 100 1,130 39 Juggernaut TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2981
Behemoth Heavy Tank (Refit) 100 1,246 38 Juggernaut RG31 RG31 Standard 3060
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Escape Pod 5 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2647
Life Boat 5 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2478
Light Strike Fighter Angel 10 129 18 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2643
Light Strike Fighter Angel (Upgrade) 10 111 16 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3063
Guardian Fighter 20 159 17 Fast Dogfighter TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2831
Guardian Fighter B 20 126 15 Dogfighter TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3012
Seydlitz SYD-21 20 440 21 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2504
Seydlitz SYD-Z1 20 440 21 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3057
Seydlitz SYD-Z4 20 633 23 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3065
Cheetah F-11-R 25 197 21 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2802
Cheetah F-11-RR 25 448 25 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3054
Medium Strike Fighter Defender 25 226 16 Fire-Support TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2701
Medium Strike Fighter Defender II 25 234 16 Fire-Support TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3038
Sabre SB-27 25 574 25 Interceptor TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2519
Thrush TR-7 25 476 24 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2798
Thrush TR-7p 25 362 24 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3059
Centurion CNT-1D 30 701 28 Interceptor TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2473
Issedone A 30 1,084 Fire-Support TR:GC TR:GC Standard 2871
Issedone B 30 1,095 Fire-Support TR:GC TR:GC Standard 2871
Issedone C 30 704 Fast Dogfighter TR:GC TR:GC Advanced 3146
Issedone D 30 753 Fast Dogfighter TR:GC TR:GC Standard 3146
Issedone Prime 30 1,033 Fast Dogfighter TR:GC TR:GC Standard 2871
Katya Ground Assault Craft (Fuel) 30 None HB:HL None Introductory 3067
Katya Ground Assault Craft C-904 30 None HB:HL None Introductory 3067
Katya Ground Assault Craft C-905 30 None HB:HL None Introductory 3067
Katya Ground Assault Craft C-906 30 None HB:HL None Introductory 3067
Sparrowhawk SPR-H5 30 637 27 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2520
Star Dagger S-2 30 315 20 Fast Dogfighter XTR:RetroTech XTR:RetroTech Advanced 2330
Star Dagger S-2B 30 537 25 Fast Dogfighter FR:2765-DCMS None Introductory 2525
Sholagar SL-21 35 607 26 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2803
Sholagar SL-21L 35 735 26 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2911
Sholagar SL-22 35 830 28 Interceptor TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3070
Heavy Strike Fighter Bat Hawk 45 293 18 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2916
Heavy Strike Fighter Meteor 45 381 21 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2665
Heavy Strike Fighter Meteor-G 45 547 22 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3060
Bluehawk Combat Support Fighter MSF-42 50 23 Attack HB:MPS None Introductory 3019
Corsair CSR-V12 50 1,190 35 Dogfighter TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2779
Lightning LTN-G15 50 1,057 34 Dogfighter TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2511
Lightning LTN-G16O 50 1,220 36 Dogfighter TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3068
Mechbuster 50 368 19 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3023
Mechbuster (Laser) 50 316 19 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3024
Mechbuster (LB-X) 50 492 17 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3063
Mechbuster (SRM) 50 465 23 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 3024
Planetlifter Air Transport 50 156 14 Transport TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2598
Protector Combat Support Fighter ASF-23 50 23 Attack HB:MPS None Introductory 3019
Seabuster Strike Fighter 50 856 28 Attack TR:Proto RS:Proto Advanced 3081
Hellcat HCT-213 60 1,262 33 Dogfighter TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2671
Hellcat HCT-313 60 1,674 41 Fire-Support TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3073
Shilone SL-17 65 1,230 33 Fire-Support TR:3039 RSFP:Wave 2 Introductory 2796
Troika CMT-4U 65 1,790 39 Dogfighter TR:3067 RS:3067u Standard 3066
Eagle EGL-R6 75 1,467 39 Dogfighter TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2501
Slayer SL-15 80 1,288 41 Dogfighter TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2770
Slayer SL-15R 80 1,384 42 Dogfighter TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3044
Vulcan VLC-8N 80 1,766 47 Attack TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3074
Chippewa CHP-W10 90 1,820 49 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2953
Chippewa CHP-W5 90 1,520 37 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2584
Bus S-7A 100 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2602
Long-Range Shuttlecraft KR-61 100 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2598
Riever F-100 100 1,539 51 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2815
Riever F-100a 100 1,575 53 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2829
Shuttle ST-46 100 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2528
Stuka STU-D6 100 2,251 54 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Standard 3051
Stuka STU-K5 100 1,790 47 Attack TR:3039 RS:3039u Introductory 2571
Thunderbird TRB-D36 100 1,932 45 Attack TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Introductory 2480
Landing Craft Mark V 150 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2643
Landing Craft Mark VII 150 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2813
Ares Assault Craft Mk. VII 200 None TR:3085 None Unknown 2824
Battle Taxi NL-42 200 Transport TR:3057r None Unknown 3053
Dropshuttle K-1 200 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2536
Avenger (2816) 1,400 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2816
Fury (2638) 1,900 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2638
Leopard (2537) 1,900 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2537
Leopard CV (2581) 1,900 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2581
Gazelle (2531) 2,900 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2531
Gazelle (Heavy Vehicle) 2,900 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2857
Intruder (2655) 3,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2655
Danais 3,200 1,004 None JSBD JSBD Standard 2728
Trojan (Blockade Runner) 3,200 None JSBD None Unknown 2745
Buccaneer 3,500 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2708
Vulture (2405) 3,500 2,482 None TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2405
Vulture (Cargo) 3,500 2,482 None TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2420
Union (2708) 3,600 3,962 None TR:3057r HPP1 Standard 2708
Achilles (2582) 4,500 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2582
Condor (2801) 4,500 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2801
Monarch 5,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2759
DroST Transport IIa (2470) 5,300 2,429 None XTR:Primitives IV XTR:Primitives IV Standard 2470
Fortress (2613) 6,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2613
Seeker (2815) 6,700 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2815
Triumph (2593) 8,600 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2593
Overlord (2762) 9,700 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2762
Overlord (Vehicle) 9,700 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2775
Mule 11,200 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2737
Vengeance (2682) 11,400 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2682
Excalibur (2786) 16,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2786
Aqueduct Liquid Carrier 45,000 None HB:MPS None Unknown 2638
Mammoth 52,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2808
Behemoth 100,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2782
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Tariq-Mounted Platoon (Fed. Rifle) Scout HB:MPS HB:MPS Advanced 2820
Tariq-Mounted Platoon (LRR) Scout HB:MPS HB:MPS Advanced 2475
Tariq-Mounted Platoon (Rifle, Ballistic) Scout HB:MPS HB:MPS Advanced 2475
Ailette Rescue PA(L) (Sqd4) 0.4 28 8 Ambusher XTR:Periphery XTR:Periphery Experimental 3080
Ailette Zero-G Engineering Exoskeleton (Sqd4) 0.4 20 5 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3056
Gorilla Exoskeleton PEX-2B (Sqd4) 0.4 20 5 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3056
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Armored Glove] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Basic Manipulator] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Cargo Lifter] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Industrial Drill] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Mine Clearance] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Groundhog Exoskeleton CEX-205 [Salvage Arm] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3062
Leapfrog Exoskeleton CEX-250 (Sqd4) 0.4 TR:VAr None Standard 3070
Salrilla Exoskeleton PEX-2F [Salvage Arm] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3058
Salrilla Exoskeleton PEX-2F [Mine Clearance] (Sqd4) 0.4 37 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3058
Tunnel Rat II Mining Exoskeleton [Armored Glove] (Sqd4) 0.4 20 5 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3058
Tunnel Rat II Mining Exoskeleton [Industrial Drill] (Sqd4) 0.4 20 5 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3058
Spectre Stealth Battle Armor (Sqd4) 0.8 198 13 Scout TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3097
IS Standard Battle Armor (Magnetic) (Sqd4) 1 209 13 Ambusher RG32 RG32 Standard 3141
Ravager Assault Battle Armor (Sqd4) 2 351 16 Juggernaut TR:3085S RS:3085u-CE Standard 3084
Foot Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 3 81 8 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Foot Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 3 97 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Foot Platoon, Taurian (MG) 3 89 7 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Foot Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 3 97 7 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Foot Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 3 91 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2405
Foot Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 3 94 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
SRM Foot Infantry 3 74 7 Ambusher TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 2500
XCT Marine 3 145 13 Ambusher TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2500
Jump Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 6 103 10 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Jump Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 6 126 11 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Jump Platoon, Taurian (MG) 6 115 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Jump Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 6 127 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Jump Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 6 120 11 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2405
Jump Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 6 122 11 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 6 97 10 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Minesweeper Infantry 6.5 74 6 Ambusher TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Advanced 2500
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 7 79 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (MG) 7 88 8 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 7 98 8 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 7 92 10 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2405
Motorized Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 7 94 10 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 20 6 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 20 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (MG) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 20 5 Scout TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 20 8 Striker TW TM Standard 2405
Mechanized Hover Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 20 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 20 8 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (MG) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 20 7 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2405
Mechanized Tracked Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 20 8 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (Flamer) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (LRM) 20 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 3057
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (MG) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Ballistic) 20 5 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2335
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (Rifle, Energy) 20 7 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2405
Mechanized Wheeled Platoon, Taurian (SRM) 20 9 Ambusher TW TM Standard 2370
Field Gun Infantry 42.5 310 12 Ambusher TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Advanced 3068
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Exo HMX-1 HaulerMech 10 96 5 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3081
Exo HMX-2 HaulerMech 10 98 5 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3082
Exo HMX-3 HaulerMech 10 107 5 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3082
Chaffee BT1 ServiceMech 15 212 7 Scout TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3081
Guard GS-107X SecurityMech 15 367 10 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3068
Guard GS-54 SecurityMech 15 156 4 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 2914
Harvester Ant KIC-3 AgroMech 20 143 4 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2650
Cattlemaster CTL-3R "Herder" IndustrialMech 25 228 8 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3024
Cattlemaster CTL-3R2 "Hunter" IndustrialMech 25 245 7 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3024
Cattlemaster CTL-3R3 SecurityMech 25 358 12 Striker TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3072
Copper CPK-65 SecurityMech 25 325 11 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3065
Peacekeeper PK-6 SecurityMech 25 422 15 Brawler TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2522
Carbine CON-7 ConstructionMech 30 198 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3028
Carbine CON-7M ConstructionMech MOD 30 306 8 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3078
Carbine CON-8 ConstructionMech 30 185 6 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3066
Carbine CON-8H HaulerMech 30 177 6 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3070
Carbine CON-9 ConstructionMech 30 246 8 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3071
Carbine CON-9M ConstructionMech MOD 30 289 10 Missile Boat TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3078
Carbine CON-9M-B ConstructionMech MOD 30 293 11 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3078
Crosscut ED-X4 LoggerMech 30 223 6 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2876
Crosscut ED-X4B DemolitionMech 30 224 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2932
Crosscut ED-X4D DemolitionMech 30 225 6 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2910
Crosscut ED-X4K LoggerMech 30 367 13 Ambusher TtS:Kaumberg TtS:Kaumberg Standard 3070
Crosscut ED-X4M LoggerMech MOD 30 430 11 Ambusher TR:DA RS:VA Standard 3070
Crosscut ED-X4M-A LoggerMech MOD 30 279 9 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3132
Crosscut ED-X4M-E LoggerMech MOD 30 480 12 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3132
Crosscut ED-X4M-L LoggerMech MOD 30 230 7 Sniper TR:DA RS:DA Standard 3132
Crosscut ED-X4X LoggerMech 30 230 6 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2901
Crosscut ED-X5M LoggerMech MOD 30 317 10 Ambusher TR:DA RS:VA Standard 3074
Crosscut ED-X5M-B DemolitionMech MOD 30 460 11 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3079
Harvester HVR-99 AgroMech 30 339 11 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3049
DemolitionMech WI-DM 35 380 8 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2513
DemolitionMech WI-DM2 35 345 10 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2514
DemolitionMech WI-DMM MOD 35 444 13 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3134
Powerman SC XV HaulerMech 35 198 5 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 2895
StrongArm SC CV ConstructionMech 35 315 8 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3094
StrongArm SC CVI ConstructionMech 35 315 8 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3094
Harvester HVR-199 AgroMech 40 490 13 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3128
Rock Hound AM-PRM-RH7 ProspectorMech 40 17 None HB:MPS None Standard 3042
Quasit QUA-51M MilitiaMech 45 636 22 Brawler TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3073
Quasit QUA-51P MilitiaMech 45 779 19 Scout TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3074
Quasit QUA-51T MilitiaMech 45 670 22 Brawler TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2517
Buster BC XV HaulerMech 50 222 5 Ambusher His:OK RS:VA Standard 2615
Buster BC XV-M-C HaulerMech MOD 50 726 14 Sniper TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3076
Buster BC XV-M-W HaulerMech MOD 50 713 19 Sniper TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3077
Buster BC XXI HaulerMech 50 228 5 Ambusher TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3059
Buster BC XXI-M HaulerMech MOD 50 504 14 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3132
Jabberwocky JAW-66B EngineerMech 50 322 10 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3070
Jabberwocky JAW-66C DemolitionMech 50 351 10 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3070
Jabberwocky JAW-66D ConstructionMech 50 326 8 Juggernaut TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 3070
Jabberwocky JAW-67 MilitiaMech 50 907 24 Brawler TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3076
Heavy Forester HFL-1 LoggerMech 60 433 9 None TR:I TR:I Standard 2604
Heavy Lifter HCL-1M CargoMech MOD 60 915 23 Brawler TR:I TR:I Standard 3132
Heavy Lifter HCL-1MM MilitiaMech 60 991 26 Brawler TR:I TR:I Standard 3133
Burrower DTM-1 MiningMech 65 482 12 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3115
Burrower DTM-1M MiningMech MOD 65 556 18 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3132
Deep Lord RCL-Z1M MilitiaMech 65 715 21 Juggernaut TR:Proto RS:Proto Advanced 3085
Deep Lord RCL-Z1M-B MilitiaMech 65 773 21 Juggernaut TR:I TR:I Standard 3118
Dig Lord RCL-Z1 Armed MiningMech 65 681 22 Ambusher XTR:Periphery XTR:Periphery Experimental 3081
Ground Pounder DVM-2 MiningMech 65 465 12 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3125
Ground Pounder DVM-2M MiningMech MOD 65 548 18 Ambusher TR:I TR:I Standard 3132
Lumberjack LM4/C 70 291 7 Ambusher TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Standard 2489
Lumberjack LM5/M MilitiaMech 70 1,360 31 Missile Boat TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3076
MuckRaker GMMM-2 MiningMech 70 709 18 None TR:I TR:I Standard 2737
Vampyr SC-V-1 SalvageMech 80 540 15 None TR:VAr RS:VA Standard 3066
Diomede D-M3D-M 100 1,609 44 Juggernaut TR:3145 RS:3145 Standard 3092
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Beast Riot Car None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Dune Buggy None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
GTE Micro-Copter None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Harpoon Parasub None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Hoverbike JI-002 None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Hoverpod None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Tracked Quad None AToW Companion None Standard Unknown
Whitestreak Jetski 0.1 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2320
Outrider 0.2 5 Scout TtS:Tortuga TtS:Tortuga Standard 2710
Whitestreak Speedboat 0.2 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2322
Minigun Cycle 0.4 18 6 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 2603
Minigun Cycle (SRM) 0.4 18 6 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 2603
Trike 0.5 11 3 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 2513
Monocycle 0.8 74 9 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 3068
Growler Service Utility Truck 1 None TR:VAr None Standard 2388
Scout ATV 1 25 5 None TR:I TR:I Standard 2813
Hoverbike 1.2 42 8 Scout TR:I TR:I Standard 3087
Hoverbike (Laser) 1.2 45 8 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 3088
Hoverbike (MG) 1.2 38 8 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 3088
Blue Nova Convertible 1.5 None TR:VAr None Unknown 3067
TrackBike 2 19 5 Striker TR:I TR:I Standard 2544
Rock Rover Half-Track RRV 4 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2619
Rock Rover Half-Track RRV (Speed) 4 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2633
Boomerang Spotter Plane 5 10 Attack TR:3039 None Unknown 2888
Bailey Armored Car 27 None TR:VAr None Standard 3062
J-37 Ordnance Transport 50 535 13 None TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3079
J-37 Ordnance Transport (Original) 50 503 4 None TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 2824
Tonbo Superheavy Transport 56 233 11 None TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3059
Prime Mover 60 173 11 None TR:I TR:I Standard 2420
Prime Mover (LRM) 60 284 11 None TR:I TR:I Standard 3050
Prime Mover (Succession Wars) 60 11 None TR:I TR:I Standard 2940
Savior Repair Vehicle 60 152 5 None TR:3150 RS:3150 Standard 3059
Buffalo BFFL Drone Bomb 100 270 25 None XTR:SW XTR:SW Experimental Unknown
Brunel Dump Truck 150 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2637
Dromedary Water Transport 150 341 4 None TR:3075 RS:3075u-AW Advanced 2562
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft A 200 712 36 Attack TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Advanced 3083
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft B 200 570 21 Fire-Support TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3083
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft C 200 570 21 Fire-Support TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Advanced 3083
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft D 200 2,022 40 Fire-Support TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3083
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft E 200 1,028 29 Attack TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3083
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft F 200 2,894 55 Fire-Support RS:3145 RS:3145 Advanced 3095
Zugvogel Omni Support Aircraft Prime 200 1,211 32 Fire-Support TR:3085 RS:3085u-CE Standard 3083
Eckener Tanker Airship EC-1 1,000 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2183
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Small Factory 2,500 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2750
Medium/Large Factory 17,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2750
Scout JumpShip 90,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2712
Merchant JumpShip 120,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2503
Small Habitat 120,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2750
Invader JumpShip 152,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2631
Invader JumpShip (PPC) 152,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2631
Tramp JumpShip 250,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2754
Tramp JumpShip (SW Downgrade) 250,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown Unknown
Star Lord JumpShip 274,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2590
Large Habitat 500,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2750
Quixote Frigate 780,000 None TR:3057r None Unknown 2350
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
PowerSat 45 None TR:VAr None Unknown 2798
Hagan Cargo Ferry 2,000 1,736 None TR:I TR:I Advanced 2599
Name Tons BV PV Role TRO/RS Rules Era Intro
Fire-Mission Remote Missile Launcher 21 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
'Mech Hole 39 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Fortified Infantry Outpost (FedCom Civil War) 40 131 None HPP1 None Advanced 3062
Standard Infantry Outpost (All Eras) 40 12 None HPP1 None Advanced 2475
Fortified Infantry Bunker (Age of War) 80 105 11 None HPP1 None Advanced 2350
Fortified Infantry Bunker (Clan Invasion) 80 119 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Command Post (All Eras) 90 23 None HPP1 None Advanced 2410
Fortified Command Post (Age of War) 90 400 37 None HPP1 None Advanced 2350
Fortified Command Post (Clan Invasion) 90 535 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Fortified Command Post (FedCom Civil War) 90 537 None HPP1 None Advanced 3062
Fortified Command Post (Jihad) 90 741 None HPP1 None Advanced 3072
Heavy Fire Base (Age of War) 90 277 12 None HPP1 None Advanced 2460
Heavy Fire Base (Clan Invasion) 90 261 15 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Heavy Fire Base (Jihad) 90 299 None HPP1 None Advanced 3070
Heavy Fire Base (Succession Wars) 90 None HPP1 None Advanced Unknown
'Mech Trap 105 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Archer Artillery Bunker 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Backstab Bunker 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Death Gulch 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Hardened Command Fort (Clan Invasion) 150 1,420 None HPP1 None Advanced 3052
Hardened Command Fort (Jihad) 150 1,376 None HPP1 None Advanced 3072
Infantry Bunker 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Mosquito Tower 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Primary Missile Hell 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Punishment Bunker 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Roadblock 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Secondary Missile Hell 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown
Target Artillery Spotter Bunker 150 None MAC None Unknown Unknown